The Volume of Color
Inspire a fresh start with a curated selection of white and off-white fabrics that express the full power of this calming and dynamic neutral.
White can easily shapeshift to match whatever mood your customers seek to create. Cool or creamy. Soft or striking. White can create a sense of relaxation, peace, and balance — no matter where we are.
We’ve intentionally selected materials that balance visual appeal and comfort with flexible functionality. Stains and sun discoloration are no longer reasons to shy away from white. Click through Collections below to learn more.
- Collections
High style and low effort co-exist with our easy-to-clean performance fabrics:
Searching for responsible upgrade to leather -
Ultraleather Ermine
Ultraleather WhiteWant a material with enhance breathability or acoustical benefits* -
Brisa White
Fresco Coconut
Spectra EggshellCreating a space that must endure sun, water, and other elements -
Coast Snow Cap
Coast Beacon
Pumice White ShoreNeed a material that’s resistant to the toughest stains -
Ultraleather Pro Salt
Ultraleather Pro WhitewashFeel like adding extra protection against germs and other microbes -
Promessa SnowNeed something with textural dimension -
Lino White Marigold
Montage White Marble
Impasto Ice Storm+*Acoustic applications not available in United Kingdom and Europe
+ Not available in United Kingdom and Europe
- Experience HushICFF/WantedDesign
May 15-17, New York City
May 22 - 25, High PointClerkenwell Design Week
May 24 - 26, London
June 13-15, Chicago - Resources